Monday, April 1, 2013

I'm moving to Arizona!

So, the plan is to move to Arizona.


Lots of reasons:
1) My boyfriend just got into a PhD program there
2) Sunshine.  That's an average of 211 days of full-sun sunshine.
3) It's closer to home for me, v
isiting my parents would take a couple hours on a plane (read: NOT 6-7+hrs like now)
4) There are lots of jobs there
5) I could afford to potentially buy a house there
6) Did I mention sunshine?  Think 296 days of at least partially sunny days on average.
7) I could live in a townhouse or house with a yard for Roxy
8) It's not Oregon.
9) Sunshine!!!  It snowed here last week.  It was 85 degrees there.

Reasons why not?
1) Further from my bff who lives in NYC
2) It's not a major urban hub, more like a very wide spread of suburban neighborhoods.
3) Sunshine...  It gets really really hot there. Think 104...105...110 degrees hot.  Ouch.

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