Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Land Below

The Land Below
2016 NaNoWriMo

Princess Avelynne has lived a life of lavish royalty on the Isle of Hildegaard, yet despite all of the riches and power, she has always felt more like a prisoner rather than a princess.  What she doesn't know is that hasn't just been a princess forbidden from the outside world for her own safety, she's also been a very powerful weapon kept purposefully suppressed and safely stowed for use at the next rapidly approaching war between the Isles above and the Land Below.  So when she finds herself kidnapped by a ragtag group of rebels and dragged down through the Myst to the Land Below instead of celebrating yet another year of posh and oppressive royal living on her 18th birthday, she is both terrified and exhilarated. For first time in her life she finally gets to be outside and experiences her first tantalizing breath of freedom, that somehow leads to more questions than answers.   
Has her kidnapping been the rescue she's dreamed of her whole life?  Or has she traded one form of imprisonment for another?   Can she trust the handsome smuggler who lied and tricked her in order to kidnap her?  Can she trust the leader of the Rebel plight who is now asking her to kill for the greater good?  Can she trust the odd necromancer who continues to flip flop between pacifist refusal to engage in war and emotionless murder?  Although everyone else seems to have figured it out for her already, she must answer for herself the age old question--Who am I and what is my purpose?--as she tries her best to fight for what is truly right in a world where her mere existence threatens the balance between lies and honesty, peasants and kings, humans and the god-like Atherians, and life and death.  
Chapter 1: Captive - To be released 11/1/16
Chapter 2: To be released 11/5/16
Chapter 3: To be released 11/8/16

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